Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Economy: Getting better or worse?

The economic situation around the world has being going through drastic changes in recent times, but how has any economic downturn in your country affected you personally? Have you had to cut back on certain expenses such as food (eating out), entertainment, and transportation? Do you think life for your kids and grand kids will be better, worse, or about the same in the future?

Share your ideas.



  1. Teachers in Brazil will always have to watch their spending/budget because most of us make little money to spend on certain "fancy" things such as eating out, going to the movies regularly so on and so forth... It doesn't really matter if the world is facing an economic crisis right now, we teachers will always have to work harder to make ends meet. We're kind of used to it. Now as to life in a few years, I think it'll be a lot worse. The world is overpopulated, there's been a huge increase in the violence rate, some values have been lost... I think we're now reaping the seeds of hate and individualism we've sown. The richer (a small number of "lucky" people) will become richer at the expense of others -of course, and the poor will become poorer!

  2. Nowadays Economic crisis is like as virus to affect the whole globe; we can see whose salaries are cut, more and more people lose works, a lot of graduated students couldn’t find a work. All things made people scary. Like as my kid who is not over 8 years old, when we go shopping, she often says mom not to waste more money in clothing as at present Economic crisis. I think she doesn’t know what means for Economic crisis, but from news on TV, listening from adult chatting, she hears more the word of Economic crisis. Economic crisis let whole world of people think, change, challenge. Though many awful things raising, but I believe life for our kids will be better in the future. As now my life is better than my childhood. World is always improving.

  3. Yes it thus affect a lot. There's a lot of changes. Changing your lifestyle before. You had to save a lot from spending. Think about whats best from saving. But you really had to deal with it. So you and your family will not in get in to a bad situation.


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