Friday, November 23, 2018

Hi everyone. I am always experimenting with increasing engagement and learning on my sites. Here is a possible new quiz format and style for creating questions about the listening activities students here.
What do you think? Are these questions with immediate feedback helpful? Please let me know.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is a day is a time of gratitude. I’m thankful for:

- A good family who cares, listens, and feels;
- Good friends who remember our family in small acts of kindness;
- A very rewarding job that provides a deep well of opportunities to learn about the world;
- Daily moments of wonder and mystery that allow me to reflect on how limited my understanding is of our existence;
- Constant reminders on how I need to be more compassionate for those who struggle beyond my awareness;
- Uncertainty, which keeps me searching for new knowledge instead of just holding on to what is finite and comfortable;
- Animal companions at home who don’t hold grudges and love you no matter how hard your day has been;
- Nature and the mountains where we live, a place where I can hike, run, and soak in solitude and wonder;
- A warm home, something so many people live without in despair;
- The lessons of struggle to humble me;
- Strength to rise each morning;
- Food and clothing;
- Contentment;
- Inner peace;
- Me.
What are you thankful for?

Friday, November 16, 2018

Kindness Needed More Today

Having worked with students for over thirty years, I’ve slowly discovered the importance of the simple things that connect us all and our humanity. Perhaps the greatest thing we can do is to make a difference in someone else’s life.
I wish I could say that I learned that in the first few moments of my career, but it has been a process that has helped me view people more expensively beyond my own ethnocentric worldview.
I’m deeply grateful for the thousands of students and teachers with whom I have worked the years who have shown me kindness as well. Enjoy the video. Feel free to share your opinions on the topic.