Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone. I just want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. Feel free to leave a holiday or other end-of-year message for other visitors here. What holidays or other traditions do you, your family, or your friends celebrate during the month of December? What do you celebrate these days? Please share your thoughts on this topic.


You can listen to this Christmas listening activity to practice your English:




Saturday, December 24, 2016

Restaurant Orders

My oldest daughter does it again with another great listening activity. This one focuses on ordering at restaurants, and my other wonderful children (now adults) have been in many great conversations as well. Since I am fortunate to have had their voices in so many activities over the past 18+ years, it almost seems to some listeners that I must have 20 children. Give this one a try:

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Water Conservation

I often can't stop laughing when my daughter, Aubrey, is the voice in some of my listening conversations. In my newest activity, she plays the role of a woman who is trying to save water, but her brother (me) can't seem to get the message. Give it a try:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Snow Camping

Camping can be a fun family activity, but it can be double "fun" or cold in the middle of winter. In this video, I talk about a camping trip I went on with my daughter. Give it a try: