Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

I want to wish everyone a very festive, joyous, and wonderful new year. May you reach your goals as you put in the effort and determination to reach them during the coming year. Randall

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

Our family wishes everyone around the world a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Randall Davis

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Christmas Season in the United States

Here is a video on how some people celebrate the Christmas season in the United States. Share your experiences about this holiday and discuss whether or not you have a similar day at this time of year. What family traditions to people observe? Are any seasonal foods prepared?

Online File Storage: SugarSync

 Get your free SugarSync Account!

It isn't too often that I recommend a specific product or service, but online backup by SugarSync is one of them. This service, which is free for a basic 5 GB account, allows you to save your files online and they sync files on multiple computers, making using thumb drives relatively unnecessary. In other words, you can work on your computer files at home, upload them to SugarSync, and then have access to these same files on a laptop or work computer.

Imagine that you can start a file at work and then complete it at home without the need to save the file to a thumb drive. Give it a try. I has made my own work a lot easier.

Get your free SugarSync Account!